Friday, September 20, 2013

My creative genius is so underappreciated...

Here is what happened.  I am at work, not wanting to start anything new because I was waiting for a conference call to start.  While waiting I read a was about a dog...and I CRIED!  Like ugly silent sobbing at my desk.  Of course what happens when you are wipe your tears.  And if you are wipe your tears on your sleeves because that's how you roll.  So I was trying to calm my stupid emotions when I glanced down at my sleeve and started laughing hysterically.  I am talking borderline manic with a touch of giddy school girl.  You see on my sleeve was a perfect little illustration.  No fooling, my tears made ART!

"In my sadness my tear art made me laugh"
Do you see it?!?!?!  You see it!  I know you do, quit lying to yourself!  I was so excited I had to share with someone so I, of course, texted my hubs.  Here is how the conversation went:

Me: "So I read something that made me sad...I think my tears created art" *insert pic above*
Hubs: "What did you read?"
Me: "Story about a dog.  But you are missing the tears created art ;) hahaha"
Hubs: "I don't see it."
Me: *huffing/frustrated emoticon* "There's a silhouette of a person on the right...maybe a young girl...and something that looks like a giraffe/antelope leaping off of its a rocking horse come to life...I should write a story!"
Hubs: "You have a great imagination"
Me: "Are you mocking me?"
Hubs: "No...I guess I see it...."

So either I am crazy or extremely imaginative.  I am leaning towards the latter.  I also think I should write a short story about a young girl who wishes everyday she could have her very own horse and one day her wish is granted when her beat up old hand me down rocking horse leaps off its rockers and becomes a beautiful stallion. 

Hmmm my story needs a little more work but I think you get the basic idea.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I guess Bullies never truely grow up. . .

Okay I am not being bullied in the traditional sense.  But I am getting really tired of having to defend myself.  I am different, that is NO secret.  I have my own style that doesn't always fit with the norm.  I follow trends I like and I mix traditional with trendy.  I have an unconventional personality.  I usually make comments or jokes that not all people will get or maybe not all find funny.  I'm not being super nerd, its just how my brain works.  Its me...its always been me, I am over 30, this is not a new development!  But I have no problem making friends and most people like me so I must be doing something right.

I am saying this because today someone whom I see daily just tried to make me feel like ass for one of my trendy choices.  This is not a new occurrence, she knocks my "style" and personality regularly.  Okay yes I work in a professional environment and must dress accordingly.  But I use some flexibilities to express my style with accessories.  A newer trend re-surfacing is bow ties.  Well I am a girl and while I could wear a bow tie if I wanted, it would look kinda silly with my dress.  Instead I found this SUPER cute blue bow bracelet.  Its a little big for my arm but I have itty bitty wrists so pretty much anything on my arm looks ginormous.  I personally think its adorable and have been complemented by strangers in public so yea whatever. 

Yes, I know its different but I like it, so :P.   Here is how the conversation went down.  We were discussing something and I was talking with my hands (as usual) and she stopped me mid-sentence.  She said "what is THAT on your arm?"  I said um, its a bow.  She said "well why are you wearing it?"  I said well its a bracelet.  She said "yea but WHY?  I saw it yesterday and thought it was weird".  I replied, its just a bracelet, I thought it was cute.  She said "well its not, its weird and it looks silly.  I guess whatever".  And she walked out.  Proceeded to walked to another person and talk extremely loud  and both of them laughed wildly.  Can I say for sure it was about, but the timing is just screaming they are being mean girls. 

Wow...really?  So just because its not your style its not kosher?  Its a flipping bow bracelet, I didn't walk in with blue hair, shaved on one side and a lip ring.  In a professional environment I can see how THAT may incite criticism but really a blue freaking bow bracelet?!?  And she keeps harping on it.  Like if she annoys me enough about it, I'll take it off.  Seriously, I don't look like I'm going to the club or anything.  I have on a maxi skirt, dress top, heels and well this. 

Its not that big of a deal I know but its not the only thing just the one the pushed me over the edge a bit.  I am regularly criticized for not blending with the norm by nearly everyone around me...well except a couple friends and my husband.  My family now seems to find my determination to be an individual  acceptable.  It defines me, ha.  I am not a sheep, I do not say Baaaah :P.  I am my own person and if I want to wear a bow on my wrist, bright nail polish, whatever, whats the big deal...?  Does it break dress code standards...?  If so, okay I guess I'll stop wearing it but I really don't see how that would be a dress code infraction.  Someone else around here comes to work in t-shirts, jeans and tennis shoes daily maybe go harp on them a bit. 

Like I said, not your bullying in the traditional sense but its habitual badgering for me to change who I am and while they are minor personality traits they are me and I don't want them to go away!