Tuesday, June 29, 2021

A Pool party rave with a touch of fantasy

Lately I have been having the WEIRDEST Dreams. 

I was at a Warehouse party.  Because that is what people my age do...go to warehouse parties.  Anyways, I knew absolutely NO ONE which is always fun. It was daytime and very sunny outside.  There was a pool.  Again because there is always a luxury hotel pool at a Warehouse Party. *facepalm*

Suddenly I was serving shots wandering in and out.  Wait wait wait, why am I working now?!  There were palm trees.  WTF Kind of warehouse party is this?!?!   I looked down and I had on a bikini top and a grass skirt.  Jesus where am I?!?

I wandered into the warehouse which was basically a rave.  My top and skirt glowed neon along with a bunch of drawings on my body that seemed to be invisible ink reacting to  black lights.  Oh how 90's.... I was having fun being silly and serving drinks.  But I wasn't collecting money, just tips, so I guess just a server for a party.  

As I was working the crowd a shadow grabbed my arm.  WTF?!?  Ah not a shadow, a guy in a dark hoodie and dark pants.  He basically blended into the darkness except he had crystal blue kind eyes.  After I yelped out of fear he motioned for me to follow.  AND I DID.  What was I thinking?!?!

Off in a corner he looked very seriously at me and tried to tell me something but I couldn't understand what he said.  I told him I needed to get back to passing out drinks and went to refill my tray.  As I was flirting for tips (good lord) I would catch him watching me but he never approached again.  

It jumped and my "boss" came over to tell me I was done for the night.  I remember saying the party still had hours left and I wanted to get paid.  He said I would and then some but I was to put up my tray and go enjoy the party.  

So I did.  I had a froo froo drink with an umbrella and was leaning against the bar...BECAUSE I DIDN'T KNOW ANYONE.  I heard someone speak right next to my ear. *ahhhhhh* It was my hoodie...friend...?!?  

After the initial shock, I remember we were talking and laughing like old friends but I don't know about what. Someone nearby recognized him and he kinda freaked out.  He threw a blanket over us and we ran out of the "rave".  Where the hell did he get a blanket?!?!?

Next thing I know we are at the pool but its closed so it's just us.  The sun was low in the sky but it was still fairly light out and you could hear the beat of the music from the warehouse.   He led me over to a corner bench area with a huge red umbrella.  We heard people walking outside the pool area so we hid under the blanket which is totally normal around a pool...in the sun!  But it wasn't hot at all. 

We were whispering and laughing like a couple of goofy teens trying not to be seen when he kissed me.  It was very clumsy and awkward.  Like so awkward! But then we adjusted a bit tried again and it was just so sweet and gentle.  

The sun had set and we got up to sneak back into the rave for drinks.  He grabbed my hand to hold as we were walking and it was cold, like unnaturally cold.  When I looked down his arm was metal. Whaat?! He pulled me into the shadows and said "I tried to tell you".  How the f**k did I not notice a metal arm when we were giggling under a blanket?!!?!?!

Wait wait wait, rewind...how the f**k did I not notice that I was hanging out with Bucky Barnes all night?!?!? We were stopped just outside the Rave and he was hovering over me in my personal space but not threatening.  He was staring intently at me again, then smiled and said "Hi, my name is Sebastian." And I woke up!  I f**king woke up!  I have no idea what was going on.

WTF Brain?!?

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