Sunday, August 19, 2018

No, I do not want to eat Fido!!!!

Even if its just ice cream....


Why is this a thing?!?!?!   I mean there is that "rumor" that some Asian style food places serve dog/cat as food but you can't look at your Garlic Chicken and say "hmmmm, that looks suspiciously like Mittens"!

"Awww, look how cute...I want to EAT YOUR FACE!"

Okay wait I say that to my pups but I am just loving on them not ACTUALLY eating their faces!!!!

These are so hyper realistic.  I can't not see a cute little puppy!!!

Ahhhhh, the humanity!

 You MONSTER!!!!

Oh look the whole family can share in the devouring of Fluffy's endtrails.

So do you eat the face or the @$$ first?

That sounds dirty...but really...

This is wrong....soooo sooooo sooooooooo wrong. 

Yea yea I know dogs are on the menu in some....countries and I don't like that but whatever.  I see them as pets so it really weirds me out.

This place is in Thailand so different cultures and such but I am so disturbed by this.  This looks like Little Bit when we got her!!!  She was a wrinkly little psychopath but she's our psychopath and I don't want to eat her likeness.......

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