I've seen the below quote/meme online numerous times and I just have to say something.
"If she's mad, kiss her"
I might be alone on this but this "advice" makes me laugh, like manically, every time I see it. Because that will 100% not work with me. All I have to say is if I am mad and you try to kiss me I will bite you or punch you...depends on the level of anger, ha! Hello, that is just common sense... I am mad...why would you kiss me?!? I get it...its a way to distract her from her anger. That way she gets over it and melts into you. But let this be a warning that not all girls will fall for this. So if you do this and get kicked in the nuts, well that's your own damn fault!
My husband would never do that...he knows if I'm being goofy and he covers my mouth I am going to lick him. God only knows what I will do if I'm pissed off and he kisses me! It would be a bloody mess...quite possibly in the literal sense.
Instead he will more than likely try to make me laugh or leave the room until the anger flares out. Not that I get that angry very often but things have been known to happen...its best to just leave me be.
Alrighty, random thought completed...NOLAgurl out.